Prof. Dr. Agnes Kukulska-Hulme, Open University, UK

Learning from Learners (Präsentationsfolien)

Student demand will increasingly put pressure on educators to provide advice on mobile learning, as well as systems that enable mobile access to learning content, interaction and support. We have carried out a number of surveys and interviews in which we have sought learners’ perspectives and elicited detailed descriptions of their informal mobile learning practices, probing the motives behind their choices. The findings illustrate a close connection between personal life circumstances and the opportunity to use a mobile device to realize personal learning goals. Language learners in particular are taking the lead in adopting mobile technologies to support independent and social learning. Like many early adopters of technology for learning, they encounter difficulties in this process, whilst their positive experiences still have limited impact on shaping language learning pedagogy or the provision of new types of support structures and resources. However the scales are tipping in favour of mobile learning and all educators now have to consider seriously how they will respond.




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